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Best Hill Station near Bangalore

Sarang dev

Are you looking for the best hill station near Bangalore? Then you have arrived at the right place! There are a good number of hill stations surrounding Bangalore city. Many of them are within 100kms also.

  1. Ramanagara (56 km from Bangalore):- This is one of the most rewarding hill stations near Bangalore within 100 km. It offers a range of adventure activities. There are green valleys and rocky trails which look straight out of a postcard and make for an excellent picture backdrop.
  2. Savandurga (51 km from Bangalore):- This is a hill station with a peak of about 4025 feet above sea level and best idea for team outing in bangalore. It is popular for being one of the largest monoliths in the world.
  3. Nandi Hills (61 km from Bangalore):- With a view to die for, Nandi Hills is one of the most enticing and beautiful hill stations in India. Visitors aspire to witness the sunrise from a specific spot on the hills.

Apart from these, Anthargange (62 km from Bangalore), Billigiriranga Hills (17 km from Bangalore) etc are some examples of hill stations nearby Bangalore.

Plan a ‘micro’ trip to Ravishing Retreat with your loved ones, friends or whomever you want to spend some ‘worth the expenditure’ moment. Not only for people residing in Bangalore but for everyone who is planning to visit the ‘City of Rock’ travelling for work or just to explore the persona of the largest and the capital city of Karnataka, Ravishing Retreat is just one hidden gem for all of you.

Sarang dev
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