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which is the best dental clinic for braces in Hyderabad

ashok joga
which is the best dental clinic for braces in Hyderabad

Urs dental is one of the best dental clinics in Hyderabad. Dental braces are devices used to correct congested or crooked teeth, or a disarranged jaw, known as overbite.

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 Many people get braces when they’re teenagers, but adults get them too. As you wear them, braces slowly straighten and align your teeth so you have a normal bite. 

Many general dentists do basic alignment and treat other tooth problems, but orthodontists specialize in correcting issues with your teeth.

The dentist or orthodontist you choose will ask questions about your health, do a clinical exam, take a digital scan of your teeth, take photos of your face and teeth, and order X-rays of the mouth and head

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