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Flood Insurance in Fort Lauderdale | John Galt Insurance

John Galt Insurance
Flood Insurance in Fort Lauderdale | John Galt Insurance

Flooding is not covered by homeowner's insurance. While you may imagine that flood insurance can be added as an endorsement to your homeowner's policy, this is not the case. Flood insurance must be purchased individually from a National Flood Insurance Program member firm (NFIP). A partnership has been developed between the private insurance industry and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

For help with flood insurance in Fort Lauderdale and other parts of Florida, contact your homeowner's insurance agent. Often, the agent will be able to customize flood insurance to meet your individual needs. If you purchase both your homeowner's and flood insurance from the same company, you'll save money.

Flood insurance can protect both the structure of your Florida house and the contents within it. You can buy flood insurance if you live in a community that participates in the National Flood Insurance Program. This program includes 19,000 villages from all throughout the country. To be eligible for this program, municipalities must follow specific flood plan management practices.

If we at John Galt Insurance are unable to provide you with flood insurance coverage, call the NFIP Telephone Response Center at 1-888-CALL FLOOD, extension 45. Call 954-440-2870 for more information.

John Galt Insurance
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