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Returning to work after Covid: Jobs that are Trending in this “New Normal” Condition

De Vore Recruiting
Returning to work after Covid: Jobs that are Trending in this “New Normal” Condition

What are the Top Trending Jobs in this Post Pandemic Era?

Some of us find it difficult to return to work after covid. It made a huge impact on the future of work but nevertheless, many people are returning to work after Covid and they are eager to cope up with the new normal condition. Here is a list to help you know the trending jobs that will be in demand in the next 10 years.

1. Remote Work

Some companies are seeing the benefits of remote work and are planning to continue with this even after the pandemic ends. This could lead to a permanent increase in the number of employees working remotely.

2. Healthcare Jobs

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a significant increase in the demand for healthcare jobs. The most in-demand healthcare jobs include nurses, doctors, and medical assistants.

There is also a need for more support staff, such as cleaning and maintenance staff, in order to keep healthcare facilities clean and safe.

Continue reading here: Returning to work after Covid: Jobs that are Trending in this “New Normal” Condition

De Vore Recruiting
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