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Injury Attorneys

Lundy Lundy Soileau & South LLP
 Injury Attorneys

Coping with a personal injury can take a substantial toll on your finances, your life, your physical and mental health, and your future. If you were seriously injured, we recommend that you weigh your legal options carefully. Our injury lawyers in Lake Charles, Louisiana, can evaluate your case to determine the best course of action when pursuing compensation. You do not need to fight the insurance companies alone. Call our law office at (337) 439-0707 to discuss your case with one of our experienced personal injury trial attorneys.

Taking Legal Action

When you hire a personal injury lawyer from Lundy, Lundy, Soileau & South, your case is in experienced hands. Our attorneys handle every step of the civil litigation process. We ensure your rights are protected and fight on your behalf to obtain compensation commensurate to your injuries.  

Personal Injury Cases

Personal injury law protects individuals who have sustained physical or psychological injury because of another individual or entity's carless or negligent actions.  A successful personal injury lawsuit can result in the courts awarding the injured party monetary compensation for damages suffered. Depending on the severity of the injury, personal injury compensation can include pain and suffering, past and future medical bills, lost income, and property damages. 

Lundy Lundy Soileau & South LLP
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