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What is Geofencing Marketing?

Nilesh Parashar
What is Geofencing Marketing?

Mobile marketing has been pushed to the next level with geofencing, which provides organisations the option to advertise particularly to prospective consumers within a defined geographic radius.  It helps a lot in organic rankings. In order to create a geofencing barrier around a firm, a number of different technologies are combined:

  • GPS: The Global Positioning System is a network of satellites circling the planet that can pinpoint an individual’s position to a precise degree.
  • Unique IDs for Radio Waves: Small computer chips called "Bluetooth" utilise radio waves to communicate with one another. An MBA in digital marketing will help you to understand this subject in a better way. Despite the fact that geofencing has been around for some time, the widespread use of smartphones and other mobile devices means that it is now much more important to company owners as a marketing tool. Geofencing provides mobile users a world of options, from interactive shopping lists to home security systems, garage door openers, automated coffee makers, and limited-time restaurant specials. Marketers prioritise push alerts and location-based advertisements. Hyper-targeted, location-based marketing is the future of digital marketing. Start working! First, we'll discuss the benefits of geofencing, then how to leverage it to be a proactive marketer.

3 Benefits of Geofencing for Marketing

It’s evident that geofencing is a strong tool, but maybe one of the largest benefits is online marketing, as it enables marketers to take their efforts to a new, localised level. Some of the advantages of geofencing marketing are listed below.

Enhance Local Sales: Local optimization, or the ability to rank high in local searches, is incredibly beneficial for most companies (and their SEO) (and their SEO). Geofencing is an important consideration if you want to boost your local performance. Since it is a location-based solution, you may target local clients in a particular geographic region. Sending promotions to nearby clients through push notifications is one method to do this. You may simply modify promos each day or have limited-time deals that will lead to greater sales from local consumers.

Increase Analytics and Tools for Metric Analysis: Local sales might be difficult to quantify. What is it that drew a consumer into your shop? If you don’t have the time to survey every consumer that goes through your door, this might be tough to relate to your online activities. However, if consumers are coming in with your promotions via geofencing, there are a lot of variables you can analyse, including their purchases, how long they are in your shop, and how frequently they visit your company. All of this may be significant information that adds depth to your statistics.

A digital marketing training will help you to enhance your skills.

Provide Personalization for Customers: Another benefit of geofencing is that it makes it possible to collect data that can be used to personalise the services and products offered to customers. It gives you information on the local population, including the kind of bargains that appeal to them and bring them into your shop. Specifically, this information is provided to you. You have the ability to modify your promotions in accordance with the preferences of local customers as uncovered by their purchase histories.

How to Implement Geofencing into Your Marketing Strategy?

Start geofencing with an app and GPS coordinates. As I said before, not every customer can use this on their phone (yet), therefore inform your social audience that you are now delivering geofencing ads. Geofencing needs planning. Before you start, consider your current marketing strategy, including:

  • Know Customer Demographics and Insights: Make sure you understand your customer demographics and who exactly your local customers are before you begin geofencing marketing. This allows you to make sure the promotions and content you use will be effective and produce the results you want.
  • Keep it Close: Choose a smaller geofencing zone to prevent problems. A four- to five-minute travel radius is typical. If most people walk from A to B, a four- to five-minute walking radius is optimal; if most people drive, a four- to five-minute transportation distance is optimal. With the help of a digital marketing course, you can make a bright career in digital marketing.
Nilesh Parashar
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