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Why I am Unable to Connect My Kindle Paperwhite to Wi-fi

Steve Smith
Why I am Unable to Connect My Kindle Paperwhite to Wi-fi

Nowadays Modern Technology has updated itself so much, but without an internet connection, it would be impossible to raise the stakes for any smart device. Kindle paperwhite is also one of the Smart Devices that has made its place on the modern market. With the help of kindle Paperwhite, any user can enjoy the amazing features of reading books, novels, stories, etc online on the device at any place. But Many users of Kindle Paperwhite are facing a technical glitch of having their device unable to get a wifi connection. Many users are confused about what to do When Kindle Paperwhite won’t Connect to Wifi device. But no more worries as this article will guide you on how you can easily make a connection between the Kindle Paperwhite and your Wi-fi device.

Troubleshooting Steps to Fix My Kindle Paperwhite won’t Connect to Wifi

Before you connect Kindle paperwhite to the Wi-fi, there are certain things that you need to give check and assures that they working properly.

Your Internet Connection

This is the First thing that you should keep in mind while making a connection between the Kindle paperwhite and the Wi-fi device. Connect your Wi-fi With Some other devices, if any technical glitch occurs while connecting your other smart devices with your Wi-fi then get in touch with your Internet Service Provider.

Turn off Airplane Mode:

Many users of Kindle paperwhite will do these types of Common Mistakes, They take their Kindle Device on Airplane Mode and forgets to turn it off. Due to this Kindle paperwhite won’t Connect to the Internet. So make sure if your Airplane mode is on then turn it off quickly to get an internet connection.

Enter Correct Wi-fi Password for Kindle paperwhite

In order to Connect any Smart Device with the Wi-fi, we have to type the password inside our smart device. But sometimes we didn’t know that we are typing the wrong password in hurry and our devices show an error in the internet connection. So Enter the Correct password of the Wi-fi inside your kindle paperwhite device. If you have any issue regarding the password of your device then reset the password of your router.

Use Updated Version Device:

Though all the Kindle paperwhite has already run on the latest version of the software, Sometimes with time Kindle has introduced some new version of the Software. To enjoy new features this new software version plays an important role so make sure your device is running on the updated version. If you have disabled the option of automatic updates of the device then enable it to download the new version of the software.

Other Efficacious Solution:

If in case any of the troubleshooting steps would not work for you, then some efficacious solutions have been mentioned below by one of our highly experienced team of technicians.

  • Try to Restart your Kindle paperwhite device by Pressing and Holding Start Button for Around 5 to 10 Seconds.
  • If Restarting the Kindle Doesn’t Work then Restart your Router Device, Try to Change your DHCP IP into the Static IP Address. This step would help you to get an internet connection on your Kindle Device.
  • If you’re Standing far from the router device then get closer to the router. Weak Wifi signals are also one of the reasons that your kindle paperwhite won’t connect to Wifi.
  • Try to Perform Factory Reset Kindle Paperwhite Troubleshooting Steps.

So these are the most important Troubleshooting Steps that help you to resolve if Kindle Won’t Connect To Wifi Anymore. Follow each and every step very carefully and if the case, any issue persists then get in touch with us. We have an experienced team of technicians that will help you out in resolving any technical issue with Kindle paperwhite.


Steve Smith
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