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Steps to Connect Wireless Printer with Smart Phone

 Steps to Connect Wireless Printer with Smart Phone

Modern Wireless printers are mostly used devices, because of their advanced technology and features. In the wireless printer, users can print with their smartphones Via Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. But most users have faced trouble when they connect their smartphones to printers.

Follow the steps to Fix Wireless Printer to Smart Phone

1. Reset Printer Settings

2. Resolve the printer troubleshooter

3. Check your Phone Settings

Steps to Connect Wireless Printer Print with Smart Phones

1. Connecting a Wireless Printer to an Android Device

2. Connecting and printing from an IOS device

Read continue the steps to connect the wireless printer with the smartphone Via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi network connection.

If you need any help connecting a wireless printer with the phone, through Free Live Chat and toll-free number +1-877-614-7218



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