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Eicher Tractor - Innovative Tractor


Eicher is probably the most seasoned name in the business and they give native work vehicles that were implicit India in 1959. Eicher farm hauler supplies as per the client interest and it gives the best innovation reasonable cost. The organization furnishes every work vehicle with imaginative innovation which assists with expanding efficiency on the homesteads. You can pick this farm truck as your fantasy work vehicle as the organization added powerful elements which are appropriate for your hands on work.

We take a few results of Eicher and portray them momentarily:-

Eicher 380 Tractor

Eicher 380 gives the 34 PTO hp, which offers ranch hardware ideal capacity to the connection.

Eicher 380 conveys the choice of single or double grip, which makes the farm hauler reasonable and smooth working.

Oil-submerged or dry plate brakes are the two choices accessible in this work vehicle, and Eicher 380 accompanies quick reaction during the activity; hence, it gives Mechanical/power controlling (discretionary).

The Eicher 380 farm hauler has a gearbox with 8 forward + 2 converse cog wheels that give controlled speed.

Eicher Tractor

Eicher 242 work vehicle is a charming farm hauler for cultivating. Among the ranchers, this incredible model is generally utilized.

Eicher 242 farm tractor gives the single Clutch to better working.

Eicher 242 farm hauler has an all out weight of 1735 KG and 2 WD (Wheel Drive).

Oil-inundated Disk Brakes are made for compelling execution and slowing down.

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