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Popular John Deere Tractor Models With Price And Specifications

Popular John Deere Tractor Models With Price And Specifications

John Deere is an excellent farming brand which is known for its top-quality products. It is a USA-based company founded in 1837. And it has been winning hearts since then. This brand offers more than 57 tractor models from 28 to 120 HP. These tractors are available in the price range of Rs. 5.60 to 31.30 lakh in India.

Some of the best-selling John Deere Tractor models are given below.

John Deere 5310

This 2WD tractor is the perfect choice for fulfilling your farming needs with low cost and higher efficiency. The John Deere 5310 has a 3-cylinder engine and 55 HP to provide 2400 RPM. Moreover, it has a coolant-cooled cooling system with an overflow reservoir for maintaining the engine temperature. In addition, the tractor has a Collarshift transmission and wet clutch for smooth gear transition. 

It is priced at Rs. 8.60 to 9.39 Lakh in India.

John Deere 5050 D

The John Deere 5050 D is an efficient farming machine to make farming easier for you. This tractor has a powerful 2 Wheel Drive and 3-cylinder engine with 2900 CC capacity to generate 2100 RPM at 50 HP. Additionally, it has a 42.5 PTO HP to power the implements effectively. It has a collarshift transmission with the options of single and dual-clutch. Moreover, the tractor is equipped with a power steering column and oil-immersed brakes to provide smooth vehicle control.

This tractor is available in a Tractor price range of Rs.7.40 to 7.90 Lakh.

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