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Have your Advertising Voice Over Created all Online with Saxton Voice Over!

Saxton Voice Over
Have your Advertising Voice Over Created all Online with Saxton Voice Over!

The right advertising voice over, with the right tone and style, can determine your ad’s success. Saxton Voice Over connects you to your ideal advertisement voice - and all remotely and seamlessly.

For over 50 years, we have provided online professional voice-over services to elevate the power of stories to drive positive change. We curate the very best voice-over artists so that your ad leaves your audiences inspired - and ready to take action.

Our process is simple and fast and we can even turnaround your advertising voice-over in 1 business day, depending on word count and requirements!

First, listen to the voice clips and select your preferred advertisement voice. With filters for gender and age groups, descriptive keywords like “rugged”, “conversational” and “expressive” AND sample voice clips, you will quickly find your ideal voice-over artist. We regularly refresh our talent pool as well.

Second, upload your script and your requirements. We can also mix background music with your voice-over. Third, sit back while Saxton manages your project for you before making a secure delivery of your voice-over file. From here, you make payment and then receive your final tailored voice-over!

Find your ideal advertisement voice: https://www.saxton.com.au/voice-over/talent/advertising

Saxton Voice Over
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