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Best Super Top Up Plans in India

Nalini Sharma
Best Super Top Up Plans in India

Given ever-escalating medical expenses, having a large sum protected in a health insurance plan is important. However, affording a large amount covered year after year might be difficult, which is where top up health insurance policies come into play.

Top-up health insurance plans supplement your current plan's coverage. These plans have a deductible limit, and if your claim exceeds the deductible limit, top up health insurance plans cover the difference. Aside from health top up plans, there are also super top-up health insurance plans, which go above and beyond top up plans by providing a broader range of coverage.

Both health insurance top-up plans and super top up plans have been designed to complement the coverage provided by your current health plan. They function similarly to a stepney, which you may use if you have reached your plan's sum insured limit and want more funds.

You may also buy a top-up or super-top-up plan without first purchasing the base health coverage. To ensure maximum coverage, choose a deductible limit that relates to your existing medical health insurance policy so that claims up to the tax deduction limit can be paid by the existing plan and excess claims can be paid by the top-up or super-top-up policy in health insurance that you would buy to ensure you don't run out of cover.

Almost all health insurance companies provide one or more health insurance supplement policies. As a result, if you want to get the best top up health insurance plan, you have numerous options. Choosing just one strategy, then, may prove difficult.

On Paybima.com, you may compare policy features and buy online. It is very simple and quick to compare top up or super-top-up policies.

Nalini Sharma
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