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How to Support a Child With learning disability

Child Psychology Answers
How to Support a Child With learning disability

The term Dyslexia is used to identify Learning Disabilities and does not make expected progress in the educational field. Most the children with dyslexia have

difficulty in understanding the words in the books and when they have a problem in that step; all the other ways become more difficult.

But these problems have no association with their general intelligence. In fact, the dyslexic children might be slow in their studies but potentially they are very quick and

innovative thinkers with strong reasoning. But, there are many signs you must realize when dealing with dyslexic children. They face many problems such as:

Copying words from the board to the copy this kind of student is unable to read the simple sentence as they feel difficulty understanding the real sound of a letter or word.

Making basic spelling mistakes - They are unable to understand the sound of words and try to write the word in the way they sound. Most of the students who are suffering from dyslexia are facing problems in writing content but they are very good at explaining their thought and ideas.

Handwriting - dyslexic students facing problems with their handwriting. Their handwriting is messy and poor they have no control over their writing flow. This kind of

students have the tension of completing the work time and many more.

There are some tips on how to treat dyslexic students:

As you are a parent if you find the symptom of Dyslexia in your kid, you must also know about the people who deal with Dyslexia and become successful because of big

emotional and practical support of their parents.

Boost up confidence and don't criticize them - The first tip, encourage and boost their self-confidence because this confidence help to control their problems. Most of the time they have facing failure and low-confident and they realize they are not able to do anything in life. To rebuild their self-confidence give them a small task to succeed and celebrate their small achievements.

Don't ask them for difficult tasks like loud reading - If you found any dyslexic students don't give tasks like loud reading in front of the class because misread and skip words while reading feel embarrassing for them in the front of the class avoid this kind of things If you want to help this kind of student ask to read then give them time to prepare the content and correct them calmly.

Don't punish them if they forget things - If the students don't remember to get things like books and sports materials it's a better way to write them down in their diaries and notebooks for them the previous day.

Don't call them 'lazy' - Dyslexic students are more creative and hard working to produce results than basic students so Don't call them 'lazy'. If you help them in their studies and make it simple and make study time better by using some useful tips:

Make an audio recording of the text and provide the student it is very useful while they start reading the text.

Try to boost the self-confidence of a student and give a content of their choice to create very interesting content for reading for pleasure. For improving students' skills teach suffixes, prefixes root words, and spelling decoding and comprehension also.

Take tests providing extra time

As a parent explain Learning Disabilities and dyslexia to your child. Otherside at the same time, love and support them which will help them motivate from time to time to achieve success in their future.

Child Psychology Answers
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