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Difference between Chicken Biryani in Coimbatore and Mutton Biryani in Coimbatore

Difference between Chicken Biryani in Coimbatore and Mutton Biryani in Coimbatore

Biryani is a mixed rice dish originating among the Muslims of the Indian subcontinent. Biryani is a spiced mix of meat and rice, traditionally cooked over an open fire in a leather pot. Fiesta Biryani offers both Chicken Biryani and Mutton Biryani in Coimbatore.

The Chicken Biryani uses fewer spices in comparison to its mutton counterpart, and the poultry just makes it juicier. The Rice gets all the flavor from the chicken rather than the spices. In comparison to the mutton biryani, chicken biryani makes use of a lot fewer spices. Mutton Biryani requires a lot more effort than chicken as all the rich spices have to be mixed up well with the meat and rice to bring that ultimate aroma. Now buy mutton online from our website and enjoy the taste of Mutton Biryani. Chicken Biryani needs fewer spices than mutton. Chicken is soft and tender for which all the spices get easily absorbed in the meat. You can also buy chicken online from our website and enjoy the taste of chicken Biryani.

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