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Top Pharma Companies in Uttar Pradesh

Shamric life Science
Top Pharma Companies in Uttar Pradesh

Pharma companies in Uttar Pradesh

Pharma Company In Uttar Pradesh – Looking for top pharma companies in Uttar Pradesh? Let us introduce the most-progressive Pharmaceutical company – Shamric life Science Pvt. Ltd... Our company is located in Lucknow and has its own manufacturing unit in a duty-free zone. There is a plenitude of services we're dealing with. Shamric life Science has an ISO- WHO- GMP- certified pharma range.

Shamric life Science has quite a good character in the request for its the best quality phrasings and oral lozenge range. Also, the company deals in various services similar as contract manufacturing, PCD Pharma franchise, product development, and numerous further. still, the company is fastening on expanding its roots in the bordering state. That’s why our company is looking for all the interested campaigners to reach out to us either by calling us at 9956946665

or send us an email at info@shamriclife.com

Still, the rising demand for pharma products in India and the developing healthcare sector has created numerous business openings and one of them is the Distribution business. So, if you're interested in the PCD Franchise business or third-party manufacturing of pharma products, also this is the veritably right platform for you.

Pharma Range Being Offered By Shamric Life Science

Then at our state-of-the-art structure, we're able of manufacturing the best oral lozenge range, similar to tablets(approx. 1254 million), capsules( approx 660 million), and grains( approx7.2 lac) per year. Piecemeal from that, we manufacture both general and ethical pharma ranges. Coming to the phrasings being manufactured at Shamric life Science.

It covers 15 therapeutic areas in a total of 150 formulas such as diabetic range, analgesic, anti-depressant, gastrointestinal, laxative, anti-allergic, rotundity, neurology and psychotropic drugs, cardiovascular drugs, anodynes, hypertension, and many more. Hence, this is the reason why Shamric Life Science is the leading pharma company in Uttar Pradesh.

Be A Part Of The Top Pharma Company In Uttar Pradesh – Shamric Life Science

Our company is a WHO- ISO- GMP- certified pharma company having over 300+ phrasings of oral tablets similar to capsules, tablets, bathos, nutraceuticals, and numerous further. Also, our company deals in various fields within the pharma sector similar to Contract Manufacturing, Formulation development, nonsupervisory affairs, and the PCD Pharma franchise. This is why Shamric life Science is a shop-stop result for all the business needs in the pharma sector in Uttar Pradesh. also, there are plenitude of reasons for choosing Shamric life Science as the top pharma company in Uttar Pradesh, such as –

  • Shamric life Science has years of experience in this field and has the best company of professionals.
  • Then you'll find the leading collection of drugs of both general and ethical variety.
  • The largely Affordable Pharma drug Range

Shamric life Science
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