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CA Swapnil Patni Sir

jeet pal
CA Swapnil Patni Sir

Swapnil Patni is a renowned chartered accountant, who is known for his immense talent and dedication. He has his work and achievements speaking loudly for themselves. Indeed, several students have accredited their success to the teachings of Swapnil Patni. 

Professor Swapnil Patni has been teaching in various colleges over the years and is one of the most sought-after professors for law subjects such as EIS-SM, Final Law, and FM ECO. Mr. Swapnil Patni is certified to teach all major professional exams such as CA, CS, LLB, and CISA. He has a thorough understanding of the syllabi and standards of these papers and uses them to effectively train his students. Professor Swapnil Patni helps students belonging to different parts of India get an education and make the best of his virtual as well as live classes. Being a mentor of 130 AIR including AIR 1, he holds a pleasant experience of teaching law for over 6 years. Positive results of the same were witnessed in May 2011, 2012 and 2013. He makes sure to teach you how to work on your own so you can understand the material better. It has been proven that he has excellent language and presentation skills. 


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jeet pal
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