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Top 3 Escape Room NYC

Top 3 Escape Room NYC

The big and diverse city of New York is filled to the brim with several exciting and adventurous escape room games that you can indulge in and have fun playing. In this article, we shall present to you three popular escape room games in New York City that you will love and enjoy playing with your friends and family! So, let's begin.  


1. Beat the Bomb 

Price: $39.95 for Monday – Thursday 

      $44.95 for Friday – Sunday 

No. of players: 3 - 5  


• In this escape room NYC, players shall get to choose from an array of three different and unique escape room games. 

• Players who wish to participate in the games need to be at least eight years of age to be able to participate. Players in the age group of 8 – 9 need to be accompanied by their guardians. 

• Enough space is available inside the venue to park in your vehicles safely. So, players now no longer have to worry about where they should park their vehicles. 

• Physically handicapped people can use the wheelchair-accessible entrance to the venue.  

Open hours: 

i. Tuesday – 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm 

ii. Wednesday and Thursday – 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm 

iii. Friday – 12:00 pm to 11:00 pm 

iv. Saturday – 11:00 am to 11:00 pm 

v. Sunday – 12:00 pm to 10:00 pm 

Games available: 

i. Mission 01: Cyberbot 

a. Theme: Suspense 

ii. Mission 02: Block Monster 

a. Theme: Suspense 

iii. Beat the Bomb (remote escape room) 

a. Theme: Suspense 


2. Omescape 

Price: $31 per person 

No. of players: 3 – 26 


• This escape room NYC provides players to choose from three different and unique escape room games to play with their team members. 

• Participants must be above the age of fourteen years to play the escape room games available here. 

• Enough space is available inside the escape room venue to park your vehicles securely. 

• Physically handicapped players can use the wheelchair-accessible entrance in the escape room venue. 

Open hours: 

i. Monday to Thursday – 1:00 pm to 11:15 pm 

ii. Friday – 1:00 pm to 11:30 pm 

iii. Saturday – 11:00 am to 12:30 pm 

iv. Sunday – 11:00 am to 9:30 pm 

Games available: 

i. The Penitentiary 

a. Theme: Suspense 

ii. Room X 

a. Theme: Suspense 

iii. Laboratory of Biohazard 

a. Theme: Suspense 


3. BrainXcape 

Price: $28 per person 

No. of players: 8 – 33 


• This escape room NYC provides players to choose from three different and unique escape room games to play with their team members. 

• Participants must be above the age of twelve years to play the escape room games available here. 

• Enough space is available inside the escape room venue to park your vehicles. 

• Physically handicapped players can use the wheelchair-accessible entrance in the escape room venue. 

Open hours: 

i. Monday to Friday – 11:00 am to 10:30 pm 

ii. Saturday and Sunday – 10:45 am to 10:50 pm 

Games available: 

i. The Haunted Hotel 

a. Theme: Horror 

b. Best played with 2 to 10 team members 

ii. Rikers 1932 

a. Theme: Crime fiction 

b. Best played with 2 to 10 team members 

iii. Game of Gold 

a. Theme: War 

b. Best played with 2 to 5 team members  


Make sure that you enjoy your time at an escape room NYC as you visit the city for the next time!  




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