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Xanax 2mg Dosage For Elderly Patients

Xanax 2mg Dosage For Elderly Patients

Xanax is a powerful medication for treating panic disorders or anxiety disorders. Xanax 2mg is a Schedule IV drug that comes under the CSA (Controlled substance act). 

However, it is an effective medication or also highly abusive one. The FDA approved it as a prescription medication. 

Buy Xanax 2mg Online works by giving euphoric effects by working on the brain and nerves. It enhances GABA, the natural tranquilizer present in the brain. However, it binds with the opioid receptors and stimulates its production. Additionally, it slows down the activity of the brain and results in calm or relaxing effects. 

Xanax 2mg is a white rectangular oral tablet imprint as X ANA X 2.

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The Dosage of Xanax 2 mg varies on the patient’s health condition, problem or reaction towards the first-dose. However, the doctor will prescribe the lower effective dose to lessen the risk of side effects. The patients who didn’t use opioid-medicine further should start with a lower effective dose.

Dosage for Anxiety Disorder:

 Dose of Xanax for anxiety starts with 0.25 to 0.5 three times a day.

Moreover, an increment you can make if the medication didn’t work well. Moreover, an

increment varies on every third day to reach the therapeutic effect.

The maximum initial dose is 4 mg a day, does not exceed more than this because it may give severe side effects.

Dosage for Panic Disorder:

In the condition of Panic disorder, the dosage generally starts from 4 mg. However, the range of doses may go to 1 mg to 10 mg as per the patient’s condition. Otherwise, the mean dose is approximately 5 to 6 mg daily. Additionally, occasional patients need more than 10 mg of dose to achieve therapeutic effects.

Xanax Dosage for elderly patients: 

In the elder patient with advance liver disease (may not) or debilitating disease (may not)- initial starting dosage is 0.25 mg, two or three times daily.

Moreover, elderly patients may be sensitive to the effects of the benzodiazepines, so the dose should be lowe in them. Otherwise, an increment can be done if required.

Some of the side effects of Xanax 2mg include:

  • drowsiness
  • feeling sad or empty
  • irritability
  • lack of appetite
  • lightheadedness
  • loss of interest or pleasure
  • Vomiting, headache

The other side effects include:

  • hypotension,
  • muscle twitching, 
  • sexual disorder,
  • increased libido.

Along with the needed effects, sometimes unwanted effects may occur in the treatment—however, side effects reduced by taking precautions as well. 

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