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Why Choose Odoo Attendance Management System Application?

Candid root
Why Choose Odoo Attendance Management System Application?
  • Odoo Attendance Management System (AMS) application allows you to manage your attendance records safely and securely. In addition, this software enables you to generate reports that are used to help improve business efficiency.

  • With this software, you can easily manage your employees' attendance records, pay them, calculate their salaries, and generate reports analyzing employee performance. You can also view detailed information about each attendee, including their name, address, salary, attendance record, etc. Moreover, you can review employee time sheets and complete payroll online using this application.
  • Odoo Attendance Management System (AMS) application allows you to manage your attendance records safely and securely. In addition, this software enables you to generate reports that are used to help improve business efficiency.
  • With this software, you can easily manage your employees' attendance records, pay them, calculate their salaries, and generate reports analyzing employee performance. You can also view detailed information about each attendee, including their name, address, salary, attendance record, etc. Moreover, this application can review employee time sheets and complete payroll online.

What did you get from Odoo Attendance Management Application?

• Create attendance records for employees.

• Manage attendance policy.

• Attendance approval/rejection using email.

• Update attendance records from the phone call, SMS, message, etc.

• Viewing attendance summary report.

How Candidroot Solutions Help You?

CandidRoot Solutions provides you with the best Attendance and HRMS system

We create, train, and customize Odoo for your organization as well as provide ongoing maintenance and administration.

We have experts who can understand your needs and work accordingly.

We offer different packages to meet the needs of small businesses and startups.

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