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All about Jebel Jais Zipline Tour

Lewis David
All about Jebel Jais Zipline Tour

Ziplining is a very popular activity in the tourist business that is becoming more popular. People love it, and the greatest sites to zipline can be found all over the globe, from New Zealand to Alaska. Despite this, UAE has launched the world's longest zip line, the Jebel Jais Zipline, to compete with the others.

When a cable was installed from the tallest peak in the United Arab Emirates, the Jebel Jais near Ras Al Khaimah, it sparked excitement among thrill-seekers. For Jebel Jais Zipline booking, you need to know this important information. You must weigh between 40 and 130 pounds to ride the Jebel Jais Zipline. Visitors must be at least 122cm tall to participate. Participants must be at least eighteen years old to participate in this activity. Those above the age of 60 should not participate in this activity.

Sportswear and sunscreen are essential throughout the warmer months, while a jacket is required in the winter.

Jebel Jais Zipline location and other details

The world's longest zipline experience, Jais Flight, can be found in Ras Al Khaimah, the UAE's northernmost Emirate, at the cloud-piercing Jebel Jais Mountain summit. The Guinness Book of World Records deems this zipline to be the world's longest, measuring 2.8 kilometers. Jebel Jais zipline reaches speeds of 120 kilometers per hour.

The Jebel Jais zipline speed is up to 160 kph over rugged mountain peaks and deep ravines. Those looking for an adrenaline rush will love the almost three-minute ride from 120 kmph to 160 kmph through steep ravines, gorges, and over craggy peaks that soar to 1680 meters. Jebel Jais Zipline ticket price starts from AED 300. You get various affordable Jabel Jais zipline offers according to your budget, number of people, and other details.

Ferrata Kit assists you in fastening yourself to the steel cable so you can climb up to the top. In addition to the cable, there are also pegs, iron rungs, zip lines, and ladders available. Scramble around the 1-kilometer-long Jebel Jais Via Ferrata course with three exhilarating zip lines to assist you in getting across with skilled, trained instructors.

The experience begins when you ride up to Jebel Jais, but the adrenaline comes when you reach the launch platform on one of the country's highest peaks. This 1,680-metre falcon-shaped platform has parallel cable zips so that you may enjoy it with a companion.

A team of qualified ziplining specialists will provide a safety briefing. When you're ready and tethered, you'll leap and soar with your stomach down. Fly above Jebel Jais and Al Hatta Mountains for almost three minutes on exhilarating cable lines.

Arriving on a hanging platform is a jaw-dropping experience. It dangles in the air and delights you with the second adventure as you're transported to a one-kilometer-long line with a pulley.

Lewis David
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