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Top 7 Wall Decor Ideas To Enrich Your Living Room

Rahul K
Top 7 Wall Decor Ideas To Enrich Your Living Room

An empty wall is similar to a blank canvas; the way it is decorated conveys a tale. It's time to decorate your empty walls with some refreshing decor ideas as every emptiness creates new possibilities. There are several methods of wall decoration according to your thoughts, passion, profession, etc. All you need to have is the correct idea of how to represent your canvas no matter what the style by considering any of these top 7 wall decor ideas.

Highlight the wall with a vibrant color

Diverge from the rest of a room’s partitions by way of portraying an accessory wall in a contrasting shade. You can add a pendant light over a stack of books or a vase after it to offer the scene some depth. If you lack area, turn the chair for a stool or ottoman for the same effect.

Gallery Wall

If you are not satisfied with a single piece of art, you can prefer a curated gallery mix. This will make your wall look like an art gallery. You can add a collection of paintings or photos, wall hangings, and other memorabilia. Choose straightforward, coordinating frames, or include a variety of complex variations to spice things up!

Add Green

Make a wall a work of live art. This concept makes use of classy wooden shelves that provide a neutral setting for brilliant, green plants to grow. Play with a consistent appearance using matching pots or change it up with a mix of clay, baskets, and pots. Even using wooden containers would give the area a more natural sense.

Use temporary wall stickers

Consider temporary wall stickers if you want to drastically alter your space but don't want to spend a lot of money, invest a lot of effort, or even be committed to the outcome. Temporary wall stickers are currently the most trending option in wall decors. You may find this option for wall decor ideas very helpful. There are several types of wall stickers considering the trend of traditional and other attractive wallpapers at a moderate cost. You just need to clean the wall before placing the stickers and additionally if you spray on the backing paper of the sticker, it will peel off easily.

Install a Mirror 

The usage of mirrors is the simplest approach to add elegance to a house. The space is opened up and a sophisticated statement is made by mounting one or several. You can implement all manual effort to cut, solder, seal, and assemble a unique, futuristic spatial mirror or consider fitting a big mirror on the wall. 

Floating Shelves

Floating shelves are the solution if your empty wall isn't big enough to hold a cupboard but you enjoy the idea of a showcase. Floating shelves offer a simple aesthetic and a visual attraction. The thin and modern style of this floating shelf lets decorations take hold when they are placed on top.


The timeless wall decoration is a clock. Any style will complement this simple and vintage appearance. Because old clocks were such useful objects, we usually underestimate their glamour. For some vintage appeal, keep an eye out for the prized grandfather clock at flea markets or garage sales.

In conclusion, all you need to keep in mind is that wall decoration can be anything. You can place unique antique items from your exclusive collection, an old bicycle that you used as a kid, your family photo, etc.

Rahul K
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