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Natural Silver Sterling Moldavite Jewelry at Wholesale price

Iris Green
Natural Silver Sterling Moldavite Jewelry at Wholesale price

Moldavite is one of the ancient gemstones that is known for its enchanting healing and metaphysical powers. The crystal is considered the stone of transformation that can turn bad luck into good fortune. Moldavites are the result of meteoroid collation that happened 15 million years ago in the Czech Republic, so often called the stone from stars or alien stone. Moldavite shades from dark green to olive green and yellowish-green crystal. The stones have been cut into faceted and cabochon gemstones since ancient times, and the pieces of the stone have been used in manufacturing rings, earrings, pins, and pendants. In addition, it is good for spiritual evolution and invites you to observe your inner potential, your limitations, and boundaries.

Adore the soothing gemstone on your finger as a ring to grab the enchanting benefits of the various planets. As the green-colored gemstones are deemed the result of the meteoroid activity and deposited in the large amount as rock form on the Earth. Wearing the Moldavite ring allows you to uplift your internal as well as outer personality and it enables user to make wise decisions in life. Moreover, you can also use the crystal ring during the meditating activities. Find the latest collection of Moldavite rings at Rananjay Exports.

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Iris Green
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