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Reduce Harmful Emissions by Choosing DEF

Reduce Harmful Emissions by Choosing DEF

Diesel Exhaust Fluid is a mixture of deionized water and urea of the highest purity. It is the necessary operating fluid for cars using SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) technology. More and more car purchasers are choosing to choose diesel-powered vehicles as a result of growing consumer demand for increased fuel efficiency, hence the need for Diesel Exhaust Fluid Service. Since diesel engines provide more torque or "pulling power," they have been the preferred choice for commercial vehicles for a long time.

Automobile manufacturers are making a contribution by reducing the amount and enhancing the quality of vehicle emissions in response to regulatory demands to enhance air quality.

SCR has been in operation for close to 50 years, and its initial application was in the power sector to lower nitrogen oxide emissions from coal-fired power plants. SCR technology reduces exhaust fume emissions to the necessary level while enabling the engine to run as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Before the catalytic converter converts NOx into harmless nitrogen and water vapors, A&A Truck and Trailer Repair inject the DEF fluid into the exhaust system from a special DEF tank.

Diesel NOx emissions can be reduced using an SCR catalyst at Diesel Exhaust Fluid Service, in contrast to petrol engines, where the typical three-way catalyst decreases CO, HC, and NOx. The best approach to fully utilize SCR technology and guard against engine systems degrading over time or being clogged with pollution is to employ DEF API. Additionally, it aids in avoiding engine downtime, expensive part replacement, and efficiency loss.

In order to avoid the creation of soot and other particles, A&A Truck and Trailer Repair maintains the trucks by injecting Diesel Trailer Fluid in it. 

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