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Duplex Steel Valve Manufacturer In India

Duplex Steel Valve Manufacturer In India

Specialityvalve is one of the reputed Duplex Steel Valve Manufacturer In India. Steel valves with both the ferrite and austenite phases in their microstructure are known as duplex steel valves. Duplex steels combine the benefits of both the austenitic and ferritic families of alloys, with fewer drawbacks – and typically at a cheaper cost than other steel alloys. Excellent toughness and weldability can be achieved because to the chemical composition and heat treatment method. Duplex steel valves provide great corrosion resistance as well as good mechanical strength. Its ferritic side is considered to be responsible for its corrosion resistance. Duplex steel valves are claimed to be gradually replacing nickel alloy valves in recent years. Duplex steel is tougher and more formable under pressure than ferritic steel. Despite having lower values than austenitic steels, duplex steel's unique structure and features frequently offset any problems.

Duplex grade steels are used to make duplex steel valves. The microstructure of the duplex grade has austenitic and ferritic phases, which contribute to its high strength and good corrosion resistance. These steels can be employed in a variety of applications thanks to the metallurgy. This material yields dependable, robust, and corrosion-resistant valves. The three grades of duplex stainless steel valves are regular duplex, super duplex, and lean duplex. In terms of corrosion and strength, they are all superior to the earlier. Different types of valves, like ball valves and gate valves, are utilised in applications for certain functions. The duplex stainless steel butterfly valves are used in applications where it is necessary to control a bidirectional flow.

Types of Duplex Steel Valve:

·      Duplex Steel Ball Valve

·      Duplex Steel GateValve

·      Duplex Steel Globe Valve

·      Duplex Steel Butterfly Valve

·      Duplex Steel Check Valve

·      Duplex Steel Diaphragm Valve

Advantages of Duplex Steel Valve:

·      It has improved strenght

·      High thoughness and ductility

·      It is cost effective

·      High corrosion resistance

Duplex Steel Valve used in many industries like:

·      Chemical industry

·      Pulp and Paper industry

·      Hot water and brewing tanks

·      Water treatment plants

·      Oil & Gas industry

·      Marine industry


Body Material: Duplex steel (F51,F53,5A,4A,6A)

Class: 150 - 2500

Pressure: PN10 to PN450

Size: ½” to 24”

Ends: Flanged, Socket weld, Buttweld, wafer, lug

Operation: Gear, Handwheel, Lever, Pneumatic actuated, Electric actuated

Visit: https://www.specialityvalve.com/product-category/duplex-steel-valve/

Specialityvalve is the very well-known Super Duplex steel valve manufacturer in India. The super duplex steel valve has no corrosion property which is used in those companies where corrosion plays a vital role. These valves are used in the mediums that involve water, gas, seawater, cryogenic services, and fluids.

Super duplex steel valve’s main characteristic is the resistance to irregular corrosion and pitting. Their mechanical properties are generally superior to other conventional stainless steel. Temperature is the limiting factor in their use. It is used in exotic alloy valve ranges in type and grade. It is much stronger than austenitic and ferritic steel grades that have similar corrosion-resistant properties.

The Super Duplex Valves, which feature a duplex microstructure, have various characteristics that extend the service life of these fittings. For instance, the Super Duplex Stainless Steel Ball Valves offer greater tensile strength, stronger corrosion resistance qualities, and the capacity to handle higher temperature settings than commonly used carbon steels or stainless steel grades. The fact that the Super Duplex Ball Valves are known to have a Higher PREN value, which makes them resistant to pitting in corrosive conditions, is also a significant characteristic.

A type of fitting that has the ability to control or isolate the flow of media through a piping system is the super duplex stainless steel valve. A disc with rotational capability serves as the closing mechanism of a super duplex needle valve. Super Duplex Hydraulic Valves, also known as sluice valves, are a particular type of fitting that can be opened by raising a barrier out of the media flow's path.


Types of the Super Duplex steel valve:

·      Super Duplex steel Gate valve

·      Super Duplex steel Ball valve

·      Super Duplex steel Globe valve

·      Super Duplex steel Check valve

·      Super Duplex steel Butterfly valve

·      Super Duplex steel Piston check valve


Super Duplex steel valve is used in industries like:

·      Petrochemical

·      Chemical equipment

·      Oil & gas industry

Advantages of Super Duplex steel valve:

·      Super duplex steel valve can combine the favorable qualities of ferritic alloy with those of an austenitic alloy.

·      It has high strength

·      High thermal conductivity

·      It has good workability and weldability

·      Low coefficient of thermal expansion

·      High energy absorption

·      High resistance to corrosion fatigue and erosion



Body Material: Super duplex steel (SS2328)

Class: 150 – 2500

Pressure: PN6 to PN300

Size: 1/8” to 24”

Ends: Flanged, Socket weld, Buttweld, Wafer, Lug

Operation: Gear, Handwheel, Lever, Pneumatic actuated, Electric actuated


Visit for more details: https://www.specialityvalve.com/product-category/super-duplex-valves/

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