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5 Reasons Why a Card Access System is a Good Security Measure

Valsys Technologies
5 Reasons Why a Card Access System is a Good Security Measure

It's no secret that a card access system among Singapore businesses is a popular choice, especially for those looking to tighten up their facility's security. One of its unique functions is ensuring the safety of those working there.

Here are some of the reasons why this security measure is effective.

1.Keep track of all entries

It records a person's name, badge number, time stamp, and position as soon as they scan their card. It lets you keep tabs on who is coming in and going out of your building. A door access system you can buy in Singapore also works as you need to enter a specific code to enter the building or a room.

2.Easy replacement

A security concern emerges if a key is lost or stolen with a traditional lock and key entrance. When you invest in a card access system in Singapore, you can easily replace lost cards.

3.Enhanced safety

You can minimise theft and criminal activity since you can manage the people inside and outside your premises. You can ensure the safety of both your employees and your business property. If you have a large property, you may also talk to your supplier if they also sell a CCTV system in Singapore.

4.Shield against system failures

You don't have to be concerned about a power outage at any time. The card access control system will store all your data, making a recovery as simple as possible.

5.Easy access

Gone are the days when you have to call or see security for crucial access. Using a card or door access system in Singapore properties can be beneficial since they only need a single key. It is easy to provide everyone with a programmable card, providing employees complete flexibility.

Valsys Technologies can help you enhance your security systems! Aside from a card access system, they also offer a high-quality IP camera in Singapore.


Resource: https://sites.google.com/view/valsys-technologies/infographics

Valsys Technologies
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