Many of the digital marketing techniques and methods leave the results up to chance. And this can go up to a certain extent. You can put in all the necessary efforts to rank well in Google search results, however, at the end of the day, it is Google that decides with its ever-evolving search algorithm. In that sense, email marketing works differently.
The individuals or group of individuals who love your brand or business would actually love to hear from you. This is because that given a direct line of communication to their inbox. By simply practicing sending emails to the subscribers with an redundant marketing strategy will not suffice; you need to do more.
With a plethora of tools available in the market, you should consider WordPress email marketing integration. When you optimize your email email marketing integration strategy, this will allow you to make the most of your relationship with each and every subscriber.
Email marketing campaigns in general are known to deliver much better ROI than social media advertisements or promotions. That being said, no one is telling you to break up with Facebook and Twitter to dedicate all your time, efforts, and resources into email marketing integration. But you should work in parallel with email marketing along with leveraging on different social media platforms to dramatically increase the impact, engagement, and ROI of your campaigns.
With the help of email marketing integration, you would be able to deliver hyper-relevant content to your loyal customers and subscribers. By nature, email marketing is mostly integrated along with other platforms.
This is because numerous email service providers have built strong relationships with platforms of the likes of YouTube and Google Analytics. For the business owners, this means you get access to vast amount of relevant data and information about your subscribers. You will know what they are browsing, devices that they use, their age and much more.
With all that information, you can break the subscriber list into different segments. This will allow you design hyper-relevant content that can be sent to them with the use of email and social media integrations.