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I-Sharp Academy

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I-Sharp Academy


It is essential to know how to prepare for JEE in advanced by knowing the level of toughness as the questions involve a deeper knowledge of concepts and concentration which has to be learnt with a determined and concentrated approach.

To prepare for JEE in advanced, a student needs to know everything about that exam inside out. The JEE Main paper is relatively easy without diving into the ocean of tougher concepts and problems whereas the JEE Advanced paper will test each and every concept till date in subjects like Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. 

How to prepare for JEE in advanced?

You can follow these best practices mentioned below to ace the JEE Advanced exam.

Have a study time table and refer previous year question papers

If you see the previous year exam papers, the exam setters are focussing mainly on topics you skip or ignore and to avoid such situations maintain a standard timetable by covering each and every topic without skipping any.

Be regular to take the coaching classes seriously

Try to maximize the doubts and engage in discussions after knowing how to prepare for JEE in advanced to resolve the doubts and queries pertaining to the subject matter, and sheet problems. 

Be regular to take the coaching classes on a consistent basis because the faculty may provide you with some tips and tricks to boost your confidence in preparing for the exam.

Revise the topics on a daily basis and make short notes

Always revise the topics that are taught on a particular day. Firstly, it gives you a strong understanding and secondly, it avoids the chances of that topic getting added to your backlogs which haunts you throughout your preparations. 

Make short notes of every chapter for a quick revision as it a key aspect of preparation especially for remembering enormous amounts of data and revisiting the past topics.

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