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Holland Scientific: NDVI Sensors | NDVI Remote Sensing Tools

Holland Scientific: NDVI Sensors | NDVI Remote Sensing Tools

Holland Scientific ndvi crop sensors used for agricultural remote sensing. Sensors for precision agriculture, farming, turf grass sensing and agronomy research. The Holland Scientific Crop Circle Phenom represents a new remote sensing tool for measuring the radiative transfer and biophysical characteristics of plant canopies. Data collected by the sensor suite can be utilized to quantify the radiative transfer properties for both soil and vegetation. The Phenom’s versatility allows it to be deployed for both stationary and mobile applications.

Measurements include: NDVI, NDRE vegetation indices, LAI and canopy chlorophyll content estimation, incident and canopy reflected PAR, canopy and air temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure. Sensor data can be utilized for screening new plant varieties or for studying the plant physiological behavior. Because the system can be vehicle mounted, the system can rapidly collect plant canopy information over large agricultural landscape or research study areas. Sensor measurements are geospatially tagged and stored using a GeoSCOUT X data logger.

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