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Rahul Thomare
Business Entrepreneur

We help individuals who are new to country -Help individuals by explaining various steps to settle in US -Take new people for creating driving license -Take new people for groceries and introduce them to bus routes .

Click Here: Business Entrepreneur

Working actively in Coralville Iowa community -Help individuals new to country in various ways to settle in US. Take them to get driving license, grocery shopping, health insurance and accommodation

I am a life coach, small business owner, and consultant currently living in Coralville, Iowa. My interests range from entrepreneurship to reading. I am also interested in cricket, cooking, and travel.

Business Entrepreneur Rahul Thomare. Helping the Coralville Iowa community.

-strong sense of compassion and patience

-effective listening and speaking skills

-ability to think critically and solve complex problems

-Excellent social perceptiveness

-A commitment to helping others

-Outstanding written and verbal communication skills

-A high level of empathy and passion for the field

-An ability to manage multiple tasks and stay organized

-Effective problem-solving skills

-Strong self-directed work style

-Experience employing conflict resolution strategies

After graduating with a degree in Social Work, I spent several years in India working for prominent orphanage homes. Over time, I became more determined to dedicate my life to giving a helping hand to the people in need. 

I’ve conducted numerous studies for major orphan homes and provide them food and money to help needy children. I have contacts with research organizations in over forty countries to deliver a truly international perspective.

Skills and Objectives:

strong sense of compassion and patience 

effective listening and speaking skills

ability to think critically and solve complex problems

Excellent social perceptiveness

A commitment to helping others

Outstanding written and verbal communication skills

A high level of empathy and passion for the field

An ability to manage multiple tasks and stay organized

Effective problem-solving skills

Strong self-directed work style

Experience employing conflict resolution strategies


Help individuals who are new to country

Help individuals by explaining various steps to settle in US

Take new people for creating driving license

Take new people for groceries and introduce them to bus routes

Help new people to get health insurance

Help new people to find accommodation

Rahul Thomare
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