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Lifting Safety and Techniques

Maya Physio
Lifting Safety and Techniques

Lower back pain is one of the main reasons people look to get physiotherapy. Improper lifting is a major cause for back pain. When you have improper form when lifting something heavy, it can lead to spinal injuries or soft structures om the lower back like discs, muscles, or ligaments. It's important to help prevent these injuries by learning how to properly lift items.  

Squat Lifting 

Use this lifting method for things that have a regular shape, are light, and have something you can hold on to.  

-you need to analyze the situation before you start lifting anything. This means going up to the object, figuring out how much it weighs, and how you can properly hold onto it. Doing this is going to prevent any surprises when you go to lift it.  

-begin your lift by standing upright and placing your feet shoulder width apart and getting as close to the object as you can.  

-keep your back straight and move your hips back while lowering yourself down.  

-when you are lifting, don’t look down and keep your chest straight. 

-grip the object securely and begin to lift, keep it as close to your body as possible.  

Lifting Irregular objects 

Not every object we lift is going to have a nice shape for us to grab onto. Sometimes it can be hard to find a secure grip with evenly distributed weight. When this happens, it's important for you to recognize an irregular object and plan your lift accordingly.  


Read More: https://mayaphysio.ca/blog/lifting-safety-and-techniques/  

How Our Team Can Help 

If you need Physiotherapy Richmond Hill, give our clinic a call today to book your appointment. You can also learn more on our website.  

Maya Physio
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