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How to Choose between Crocheting or Knitting?

knitters pride
How to Choose between Crocheting or Knitting?

Learning a new yarn craft is exciting! You get to express your creativity and in return create something. Crocheting or knitting, both are creative ways to transform yarn into beautiful garments, home décor, gifts for your loved ones, and more. If you are new to yarn crafts, the two popular methods are crocheting and knitting; you can easily make either of them your hobby. But, if you have yet to make up your mind, let’s take you through the common factors as well as differences between the two. Hopefully, it will help you in making a choice or fall in love with both.

Crochet Hooks vs Knitting Needles

Crochet requires crochet hooks either single-ended hooks or hooks on either end or the specialty Tunisian crochet hooks. Knitting requires knitting needles, either single pointed, double pointed or circular needles. Each needle type serves a different purpose, single pointed works only for flat projects and double pointed only for round projects but the circular needles (fixed and interchangeable) work for both. The cable needle is special as they are used only for cable patterns. Also, both craft tools come in individual sizes as well as sets.

While the tools are different, both require similar skill sets, such as hand-eye coordination, an eye for color and design, love for fiber, and the ability to patiently plan a project from start to finish.

Yarn for Crochet and Knitting

Both knitters and crocheters use yarn to create items. As a general rule, knitting and crochet use the same type and same basic amount of yarn for similar projects. There are many different types of yarn and they can all be used equally in knitting as in crochet. Both crafts choose tools according to the yarn weight. Most yarn labels mention both the needle size and hook size that go with it.

Crochet vs Knitting Stitches

Crochet stitches and knit stitches are totally different in structural differences. Crochet requires six basic stitches while other patterns are a combination of them, while knitting works on two basic stitches and other patterns are combinations of them.

With crochet, there's usually only one active yarn loop that holds your projects and keeps it from unraveling. In some advanced niches of crochet, such as broomstick lace, multiple loops need attention. Tunisian crochet is the most similar to knitting.

In knitting, there are multiple stitches, yarn loops on the needles. Each stitch depends on the support of the stitch below it. In case of a dropped stitch, the whole column of stitches below it might unravel.

Crochet vs Knitting Projects

With crochet you create delicate yet slightly stiffer fabric, which is ideal for blankets, scarves, etc. Knitting has more of a drapey effect that is why it is traditionally preferred for sweaters, hats, socks, etc. Today, given the vast range of yarns, it is possible to create delicate knits and draped crochet projects. You'll also run into projects that can be knit or crocheted, depending on your preference. For example, though socks used to be solely knitted, now there are plenty of crochet sock patterns.

So, be it crochet or knitting, have fun with yarn!

knitters pride
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