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4 Key Features Of Sustainable Cities & Communities

4 Key Features Of Sustainable Cities & Communities

The world has been dreaming about the concept of sustainable cities ever since the rise of the global environment and ecological issues. While almost every property and land developer in the Philippines is aiming for a sustainable condo infrastructure, there's still a long way to go to transform the local urban environment.

The quest to reverse climate change starts with building sustainable retrofitting for infrastructure, vehicles and public transit. Without further ado, here are the key features of sustainable cities and communities:

1. More access to green spaces

One of the most common characteristics of a sustainable community is the prevalent access to green spaces like parks and nature preserves. Green spaces also impact our mental health, providing a  sanctuary to retreat to and perform recreational activities for every citizen, from young to old. It also helps support diverse ecosystems and provides a livable urban centre.

2. Wide-scale implementation for urban farming

Food is among the top primary needs and demands in resources in every city. Urban farming helps provide sustainable economic development by reducing food insecurity and offers a controlled impact of food transportation on our ecology. Urban farming practices should be encouraged in residential units (with enough spaces), schools and food businesses. 

3. Promotes bike commutes

Automobiles often account for a significant portion of carbon monoxide. However, the characteristic of a sustainable community supports and promotes bike commutes since it helps lessen harmful emissions from automobiles and better air quality and health among citizens. City management should support bike culture by constructing infrastructure to support bike routes with enough amenities to manage traffic.

4. Efficient and enhanced public transportation

A city that prioritises better sustainability focuses on enhancing and addressing common public transportation concerns. Efficient public transportation attracts more commutes, which helps reduce the use of automobiles (which are again accountable for monoxide pollution). Enhancing railways and the use of electric transport vehicles are a few sustainable solutions for public transit. 

If you are looking for property management in the Philippines, visit Arthaland for sustainable land development and property management services.



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