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3 Primary Factors To Consider To Pick Out The Best Frame For Your Glasses

Better Vision
3 Primary Factors To Consider To Pick Out The Best Frame For Your Glasses

Are you planning to opt for eyeglasses or sunglasses from a local optical shop? You don't need to be a fashion expert when looking for the best eyeglass frames that might look well on you unless you're buying a coloured contact lens in Singapore

While finding the best ‘optical shop near me’ via Google (or any search engine) is only a few clicks away. But finding the best frame may take a while, especially if more than two frames look great on you. Without further ado, here are a few tips on choosing the best frame glasses for you via these factors:

1. Consider your face's shape

If you're planning to choose the most suitable frame for your next glass or replacement, you should always consider your face's shape. You need to determine your face shape be it an oval, round, diamond, heart-shaped or square face. It will help ascertain which frame will work best on your look. The rule of thumb is to remember that opposites attract in choosing a frame.

2. Determine your lifestyle

There are different frames for every lifestyle. Whether you are looking to replace your frame or planning to invest in sports sunglasses in Singapore, you need to think well about the activities that you do while you are wearing your eyeglass. Whether you're doing sports, playing games, doing business or reading a book, you can choose a wide variety of framing styles.

3. Your skin colour tone

Now, if you are on the mission of determining the best frame that will look best for you, you will also need to consider your skin tone, be it for sports sunglasses or computer eyeglasses. Your skin and hair colour is something that will help set the tone, look and style of the frame you choose. Cool skin tone works best with pink, blue, mauve, and black colour. On the other hand, a warm skin complexion works well with beige, gold or honey-coloured frames.

If you are looking for contact lenses or blue light glasses in Singapore, visit Better Vision for optical services.



Better Vision
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