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How to apply for a UAE tourist visa from the Philippines

How to apply for a UAE tourist visa from the Philippines

Dubai Visa For Philippine Passport:

Citizens of the Philippines must obtain a visa before entering the UAE.

Have a Philippine passport valid for at least 180 days on the date of arrival in the UAE. Provide a digital image of the passport information page. Provide a color passport photo of the applicant. You have a bank card to pay the visa processing fee.

Initially, the travel agent must submit the following:

  • Completed visa application form
  • Scanned copy of passport
  • One passport size photograph (write full name on the back and attach signature)
  • Visa fee

A copy of the hotel confirmation (voucher) during the stay. If you are staying with relatives or friends in the UAE, information on where you will be staying for the duration of your visit to the UAE, including their full name, address, contact numbers, their employer’s name, office address, and office telephone numbers.


Dubai Visit Visa For the Philippines:

Visit Visa can only be used to visit family or relatives. It should be noted that these are not tourist visas and there is a very thin difference between the two types of visas. The validity of such a visa is a maximum of two months. The supporting documents that must be submitted must include the sponsorship document. There must be a sponsor for them in the UAE which is important to apply for this visa.

Traveling to the UAE from the Philippines with an eVisa

After receiving confirmation of their approved e-Visa, Filipino visitors have 60 days to enter the UAE. If they do not use their approved visa within 1 month, they will stop paying and must apply for a new one.

The following documents are required to obtain a tourist visa to Dubai:

  • Completed visa application form.
  • Visa fee.
  • Passport photos.
  • A copy of the ticket.
  • Travel insurance.
  • A copy of the sponsor’s passport


Tourist Visa Requirements For Dubai From the Philippines:

Tourism in Dubai is on the rise with the country’s growing development. Unique buildings and beautiful architecture attract more and more tourists every year. With the help of a tourist visa, an individual can visit the country for a limited period of time and enjoy the beautiful architecture it has to offer. This is a non-renewable visa and in case the individual stays beyond the specified time, they will have to pay a monetary penalty for each extra day.

UAE tourist visa is required for Philippine citizens. The stay is usually short with a period of 30 days and the visa expires in 90 days. The applicant is required to be present when applying for a UAE tourist visa. A total of 4 documents are required for applying for a UAE tourist visa. You can also find useful tips from fellow travelers. (Source: https://visalist.io/united-arab-emirates/visa-requirements/philippines)

UAE tourist visa conditions for Philippine citizens

The UAE embassies do not issue tourist visas. In order to get a tourist visa to the UAE, you need to get in touch with one of the UAE-based airlines, a tour agency, or a hotel (where you intend to stay) in UAE that will apply for a visa on your behalf to the official visa-issuing authorities in the UAE. Read More

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