The PTE Describe image task is one of the most challenging tasks of the Speaking section, as it requires you to view an image on the screen and describe it for 40 seconds. You need to provide an accurate summary with only relevant details in it. You also do not need to describe all the details in the image, as there is not enough time, but you need to describe the key features or trends as per the image. PTE expects you to follow a good structure when delivering your response, so either you formulate your own structure or you can use one of our PTE Describe image templates. For Describe image questions, you get 25 seconds to prepare and 40 seconds to speak, and you will get 3 to 4 of these questions in the PTE test. The PTE Describe image is divided into three main areas on the screen. At the top, you can see the task prompt, which describes what you need to do. On the left, there is the image you need to describe, and on the right, you see the audio recorder, which beeps when the actual recording time begins.
PTE Describe image questions are scored in three areas, namely content, pronunciation, and oral fluency. You should provide a clear representation of the image in your response, and you should divide your response into three parts. In the introduction, you should provide an overview of what you are discussing, using the title given in the image. In the body, you should discuss the main areas in two to three sentences, depending on how much time you have left. In addition, you should provide a conclusion, which should summarize the overall image. For PTE Describe Image questions, make sure you are not talking about anything irrelevant, otherwise you will be penalised. For describe image pronunciation, make sure you are stressing the correct syllables in a word and also your English should be clear and understandable. Last but not least, oral fluency measures how fluently you speak, if you are not hesitating, and if you have a good rhythm.
The three key elements of oral fluency that you need to work on are sentence stress, pacing and pausing, and voice modulation. The describe image sentence stress expects you to stress the correct words in a sentence, the words that are meaningful. For example, nouns, adjectives, verbs, and adverbs are regarded as meaningful words, while conjunctions and prepositions are regarded as grammatical words. Lastly, you should modulate your voice for the describe image task, have a rhythm when you speak, your voice should not sound like a robot, speaking in a monotonous tone, When preparing for the describe image task you should learn to use your time wisely. In the 25 seconds you have for preparation, you should quickly study the graph and start thinking about what key points you will focus on. Don't go into too much detail, otherwise you risk missing important points due to the time constraint. Moving on, discuss the different types of images you can see in the PTE describe image task, and also look at the ready-made templates that can be used to deliver your response.
The most common types of images in PTE Describe Image questions are graphs, including bar graphs, line graphs, double bar charts, pie charts, and multiple charts. These images are quite simple to describe if you use our PTE Describe image template, which uses the title and axes of the graph to form an introduction. Then you need to talk about some maximum, minimum, and average items. This template can really help you in using the 40 seconds and providing all the necessary details for the image, The next category of describe image items include tables, process, picture, maps, Venn diagrams and pyramid graphs, Tables are structured data presented in a tabular form and we are all familiar with how the data is presented in a table. The only thing you need to be cautious about is not trying to cover all the details given in the table, as there is not enough time. Describing a process is also simple, as it will show you a flow of something and you just need to talk about how you think it works. It doesn't have to be exact how the process works, but how you have interpreted it. Finally, for the other types of describe image items, you can simply follow our PTE describe image template to deliver your response. There may be slight changes you need to make to the templates according to what you feel is appropriate, but overall, these are great templates.
Join Edutrainex today and you will not only learn all the tips and tricks about the PTE Describe image task, but you will also get a lot of practice questions that you can use for practice and to improve. You will also get good guidance from our PTE experts who will help you overcome your weaknesses and turn them into your strengths.