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Elon Musk Prank Manchester United

Johny Kemod
Elon Musk Prank Manchester United

Elon Musk is again making a scene in cyberspace. The furore arose after the richest man on earth tweeted that he would buy the football club Manchester United (MU).

"No, this is an old joke on Twitter. I'm not buying any sports team," wrote Elon Musk.

"Although, if it were any team, it would be Manchester United. They were my favorite team as a child," continued Elon.

Elon Musk has issued controversial statements several times through his Twitter account. It was hard to tell when he was joking or serious.

But who actually owns MU, one of the clubs with the most fans spread all over the world.

Before Musk, British entrepreneur Sir Jim Ratcliffe reportedly wanted to buy a majority stake in MU. It is known, MU's majority stake is currently controlled by the Glazer family with Avram and Joel Glazer.

United was bought by the American Glazer family for £790 million in 2005. The club has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since 2012, but the Glazers retain majority ownership.

Manchester United executive vice chairman Ed Woodward, one of the founders of the breakaway European Super League, will step down from his role at the club at the end of 2021.

Musk’s original tweet incited a wide-spread reaction and had gained over 573 000 likes and had been retweeted over 140 000 times at time of writing. Manchester United fans reacted surprised, yet hopeful, as many have criticized the current owners of the club, the American Glazer family.

This is linked to the club’s slow start to the current season of the English Premiere League, notching two losses in two games, and the club being part of the failed attempt to set up the European Super League last year.

Even before Musk clarified that his offer to buy Manchester United was a joke, some fans remained skeptical as the billionaire has a history of making similar jokes online.

Johny Kemod
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