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Top 5 Tips to Reduce the Risk of Lice Infestation !

Nits n Lice Care Clinics
Top 5 Tips to Reduce the Risk of Lice Infestation !

Head lice are the most common problem among preschool children. If you are a teacher or parent caregiver of a child this age, lice are more likely to find their way to your home. Head lice are most commonly spread by head-to-head contact. Here are a few steps that you can follow to prevent and control the spread of head lice. However, these tips do not guarantee lice prevention, and applying them reduces the risk of a new infestation.


TIP 1-Check the hair Using the Comb Method on Wet Hair


It is advisable to check everyone in the family for lice at least once a week using the wet comb method to prevent lice infestation. You can use a lice comb and a regular comb with fine teeth. Try to maintain control with a wet comb for at least two weeks. It is the best method to prevent nits from your hair.


TIP2-Wash Any Contaminated Objects


Lice can stay active in hats, hoods, or scarves. Wash all these items at 60 degrees to remove all the lice. Do the same with bed sheets and beddings. You can also wash stuffed animals to kill the lice. Hairbrushes have direct contact with the hair and should be cleaned with hot water to remove the lice.


TIP 3-Store Items in A Closed Plastic Bag


Store items that cannot or should not be washed at more than 60° in the machine for at least 2 days in a tightly closed plastic bag. It is especially important for stuff with lint; other stuff without lint is unaffected.


TIP 4- Place Small Items in The Freezer


Place small objects such as brushes, combs, and soft toys in the freezer. Lice die when you wrap small items in a plastic bag and leave them in the freezer for at least 8 hours.


TIP5- Take Help from Professional


If none of your home remedies seems to be working, you can take help from a professional. Nits N Lice Clinics are experts in nits treatment services and treat all lice infestation levels. We will remove nits and lice in one treatment to save you hours of frustration. Contact us and book your lice exam today.


Nits n Lice Care Clinics
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