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The Difference Between 4G and LTE

John Tailor
The Difference Between 4G and LTE

Whether you’re working from home or you’re just using your Internet connection to play video games and stream your favorite Netflix shows, insisting on the most powerful connection you can find is simply a must in this day and age. This is why so many people spend tons of time and energy searching for the most perfect option for their home they can find. And when everything is said and done, their search comes down to two alternatives - 4G and LTE Internet connection. However, one of these ideas might not work for all people and that’s why being sure that you find the right one is one of the most important things in the world. So, if you’re trying to figure out which alternative is going to work for you the most as well, here are a few differences between 4G and LTE you need to be aware of.


This has always been one of the most important factors for all people out there and if you’re not in a position to use your Internet to the fullest, you won’t be able to do everything you’d like to do. Therefore, comparing speed in advance isn’t just one of the best ways to overcome some of the most irritating issues with your Internet issues, but it’s also a great way to make the most of your time and energy. Luckily, when choosing between LTE and 4G, things are quite simple: 4G is faster than your traditional LTE connection, and the fact is that it might end up being about ten times faster. However, if you’re using LTE-A, a newer version of LTE, you could get as much speed as you’re getting from 4G, so if you’re looking into LTE, make sure you pick the faster option.


This is another huge factor you have to look into when choosing a new Internet connection - unless you’re able to connect your smartphone, computer, tablet, and other devices to the Internet in every corner of your home, nothing else is going to matter. That’s why insisting on a reliable connection is the most important thing when thinking about what to do, and it’s safe to say that most people choose 4G over LTE. This alternative is more popular because it’s strong and steady, but, again, it all comes down to having a powerful 4G internet connection by your side because this is the only way to complete all your tasks on time and do everything you’ve wanted to do without losing time, energy, and patience.


This is a factor that’s closely connected to the reliability of your Internet connection, and it’s also one of those things that separate LTE from 4G connections. Again, 4G might turn out to be a superior and better alternative because it’s used in all parts of the world, regardless of your precise location, while LTE is present in a limited number of countries. Moreover, the number of places that favor LTE is getting smaller and smaller, and that’s why using 4G might end up being the right thing to do in the long run.


This is one of those things that are always mentioned when talking about different Internet connections and options that are available to people across the globe. In short, latency describes the time your signal takes to travel between the network server and the device you’re using and back, and higher latency denotes a less responsive connection. That’s why you should choose an option that has lower latency because this means that your connection will be stronger and more reliable. While you can manipulate your network’s latency a bit, you can’t do too much and perform miracles, which is why finding the best option out there is a must. When comparing these two alternatives, it’s easy to conclude that 4G is much better when it comes to latency - its latency is around 5 milliseconds, while LTE’s is around 10 milliseconds. That means that it’s twice as good as LTE, and that’s an aspect you can’t ignore.

Choosing between LTE and 4G might not seem like the easiest thing in the world, but when you take a look at the facts and all the differences between them, it’s clear that 4G is a much better alternative.

John Tailor
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