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What are the Best ERP Softwares for Supply Chain Management?

Vinculum Solutions
What are the Best ERP Softwares for Supply Chain Management?

Enterprise Resource Planning is vital in managing and coordinating business operations across organizations. Effective implementation of the ERP system allows the companies to handle the supply chain, inventory, and production at various levels. It can also be used as an effective tool to manage customer queries and sales.

In the fast-changing digital era, businesses across the globe are using various tactics to streamline their supply chain management. To automate the supply chain, companies worldwide are implementing ERP software to ensure an efficient flow of stocks. The ERP software will automate products’ transition from storage to shipment.

Even if the seller provides top-quality products and services, customers are unwilling to wait in today’s fast-paced world of instant gratification.

This blog post has compiled a list of the best ERP software used for supply chain management across various industries.

The list of best supply chain management software is mentioned below:-

1. E2open 

A demand-driven supply chain can be managed using E2open, an online supply chain management system. The software is designed with robust features allowing end users to monitor supply chain analytics, supply chain management, planning, transportation, sourcing, and procurement.

This software is designed with features like push notifications and the shipment status in transit. The users can also integrate a large pool of data without losing data. Apart from this, supply chain analytics can help to manage data integration.


SAP Supply Chain Management software uses artificial intelligence and IoT to maintain transparency and help the end users plan, source, and deliver the correct goods and materials within a limited time. The software by SAP offers a range of exclusive features like combining sales forecasts, inventory targets, supply plans, financial plans, streamlining and integrating the transport management, and coordinating with the partners across the supply chain, including multiple tiers of supplies.

3. Logility

Logility is a Supply Chain Management software with advanced analytics to help organizations gain a competitive advantage in the global market. This software leverages a range of features with intelligent solutions to help business owners to handle the complications and challenges of supply chain management.

The software is designed with integrated business planning, demand, inventory, supply and retail optimization. This software is inbuilt with advanced analytics and optimized planning for streamlining the supply chain.

4. Oracle

Oracle Supply Chain Management software helps users transform their businesses from planning and sourcing inventory to delivering products. This software can proactively help you increase your revenue and contribute much towards cost reduction. The end users can use visual analytics and give intelligent recommendations to guide the inexperienced users. The features allow the warehouse managers to manage the logistics and the basic needs of the warehouse. It will enable you to handle supply chain planning solutions helping the organization to stay ahead of its competitors.

5. Infor Supply Chain Management

Infor Supply Chain Management software is designed with advanced supply chain planning and financial capabilities to compete and emerge as a winner in the highly competitive global market. This software allows business owners to handle the challenges of supply chain management. The key features offer supply chain visibility, supply chain planning, sales, operations planning, and supplier collaboration.

6. JDA Supply Chain Management

JDA is an end-to-end retail and supply chain planning software designed to minimize the complexities of a customer-driven marketplace. The robust software offers multiple solutions for the manufacturing and retail industry.

This software has proved a game changer for companies looking forward to minimizing costs and maximizing the profit margin.

This software allows the owners to collaborate with the retailers and create a localized assortment. It helps to reduce the costs of inventory and improve customer satisfaction. The automated software will provide synchronized data with real-time inventory updates to secure financial transactions. Business owners can track customer requirements and increase brand presence in the market.

Learn More: -https://www.vinculumgroup.com/what-are-the-best-erp-softwares-for-supply-chain-management/

Vinculum Solutions
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