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Why does the contact lenses get blurry ?

Contact Xchange
Why does the contact lenses get blurry ?

If you are among the 45 million Americans who like to wear contact lenses, you must be asking yourself, why are your contact lenses blurry?

a fairly common reason for blurred vision is the build-up of protein deposits and debris on the surface of the contacts; this might occur if you’ve worn your contacts for longer than their recommended length of time. And can also result in an accumulation of deposits crafting blurred or hazy vision. 

Remember ignoring the unexpected & sensitive issues in your eyes may lead your eyes to be in trouble with severe problems such as nearsightedness, astigmatism, and random blurry visions & so on.

If you wear contact lenses, it is important to get regular eye exams and keep up with your prescription. You should also make sure you are keeping your contacts clean to reduce the risk of infection.

Even a minor eye infection may result from contact lens misuse, which could eventually lead to blindness if left untreated. By following the recommended directions by the expert, you can fix the risk of eye problems.

Indeed, there are several medical conditions, from eye infections to high blood pressure, responsible enough for contributing to blurry vision. 

Wearing contact lenses improves vision (if such conditions are well controlled) but, they may even exacerbate eye problems as well. If an underlying medical condition goes undiagnosed accidentally or incidentally, the visual acuity will not improve much with glasses or contacts.

In general, keeping your contact lenses clean and up to date will prevent any discomfort or blurry vision while wearing them.

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