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The football history

Mahmoud Abdelaal
The football history

The evolution of football history

The history of football has gone through many stages.

and each stage talks about how this game began in every country in the world,

and among these countries are the following:


The sport of football dates back to the ancient Chinese before 2500 BC, when they called it Tsushu and practiced it through an ice ball filled with feathers and hair.


The Japanese have known football since ancient times, and they called it Kirami.

The japanese players organized in a circular shape and passed the ball among themselves.

within a small specific area without the ball touching the ground.


The ancient Greeks knew football and called it Iskiros.

Football played on a green rectangle similar to our current stadiums.

and the aim of playing was to deliver the ball used beyond the division lines by juggling between players.

while allowing both teams to use any means and trick.

middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, the game of football moved to a non-recreational way, but to other means.

in which they present an ice ball as a gift to cloth and gold merchants.

to play in it as much as possible and participate in this with all the residents in the region.

Divide all participants into two teams and start playing in a random way.

and each team scores a goal in the goal of the other team has to throw the ball across rivers.

Modern times and the establishment of federations

In the nineteenth century, the game had private schools in England playing football.

and it was no longer the preserve of the many and huge fans.

The students should have integrity, politeness, and kindness under the concept of sportsmanship.

and the actual establishment of football was in 1863 AD in England.

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Mahmoud Abdelaal
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