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Buying Healthier Flour? Know How To Store It Properly!

Prima Flour
Buying Healthier Flour? Know How To Store It Properly!

Whether cakes or fried food, both of these use flour. Eating too much food that contains flour can often lead to weight gain since it contains high amounts of carbohydrates and calories. In that case, cut your intake and use a healthier flour instead. 

Besides whole grain flour in Singapore, you can also get unbleached flour. This type does not have added chemicals and will naturally age after the milling.

Nevertheless, you should know how to store healthier flour properly so your stock will last longer. 

1. Keep It In Airtight Container

To guarantee your healthier flour will last longer, keep it inside an airtight container and in a dark place. That way, it will have no light exposure that can cause oxidation. 

If oxidation happens, you can expect the taste will never be the same when you use it in your tempura recipe. After all, oxidation reduces the quality of the flour. 

2. Place Bay Leaves In The Flour Container

Bay leaves are natural oxygen absorbers. If you place them inside the flour container, it will prevent oxidation. Your healthier flour will have a longer shelf life. You can also expect bay leaves to prevent pests, such as bugs.

3. Label The Flour Container With Its ‘Best Before’ Date

Whether you have high fibre or ordinary flour, adding the best before date allows you to use them before the dates come and your stock of flours expires. 

4. For Seed-Based Flour, Store It In The Freezer

Seed-based flour like almond, flax, and hemp are more fragile than wheat ones, which is why they are better to store in the freezer than at room temperature.

Now that you know how to store healthier flour properly, you are ready to replenish your supply. Contact Prima Flour at (65) 6277 7752 and ask them if they have high protein flour sacks. 

Resource: https://sites.google.com/view/prima-flour-stack/infographics

Prima Flour
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