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CCIE Security v6 Training

Avia Singhla
CCIE Security v6 Training

Cisco Systems created CCIE Security V6 Certification Training to give all Network Engineers a common place to learn about the most up-to-date and next-generation Network Security technologies. Since CCIE Security Version 6 Certification is the world's most prestigious, most in-demand, and highest-level Cisco certification, it gives people great job and career growth opportunities worldwide. It is also known as the best-paid and most-wanted certification of all time.

7NetworkServices offer CCIE Security V6.0 Training in Delhi, India which is a highly effective synthesis of Cisco Routing & Switching and Cisco Network Security. It combines the training of a Network Engineer with that of a Network Security Engineer.



Students who choose the CCIE Security V6 Integrated programme from 7NetworkServices are guaranteed to get a job. The CCIE Security V6 integrated course from 7NetworkServices is the only programme that teaches you about firewalls from more than one company. You learn about CCNA, CCNA Security, and CCNP Security, all in one package and cost. In terms of placements, our CCIE Security V6 Integrated training package consistently outperforms all others.

We give students who sign up for any CCIE Security V6 course training package a written guarantee that they will get a job:

•       Your starting package will be between Rs.2.5 lac and Rs.5 lac, and you won't have to take any tests to get it.

•       If you pass the CCIE Security V6 Written and Lab exams, which Cisco gives, you are guaranteed a starting package of Rs. 5 to 7 Lac.


Avia Singhla
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