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SharePoint Online in Office 365: Everything You Should Know

Deuce Abing
SharePoint Online in Office 365: Everything You Should Know

SharePoint is Microsoft’s premier collaborative platform, providing tools for storing and sharing documents and information. SharePoint was originally developed by Microsoft in 2001 as an umbrella term to include multiple products and services such as FrontPage, Office Server Extension and Team Pages. Today, however, the term SharePoint refers to the specific web-based environment that delivers sophisticated communication and teamwork applications.

Microsoft currently offers two variants of its team-centric collaboration platform: SharePoint Server, the locally hosted platform and SharePoint Online, the cloud-based service. SharePoint Online is bundled in some Office 365 subscription plans and can be also licensed as a standalone service.

SharePoint Online is often confused with Office 365 as both products share similar functionalities in terms of productivity applications and cloud-based file management. In fact, SharePoint Online is sometimes mistakenly referred to as Office 365 SharePoint, Microsoft 365 SharePoint and Microsoft SharePoint Office 365.

When you familiarize yourself with Microsoft’s cloud-based offerings, you realize that while both services are part of the same category of products, SharePoint Online and Office 365 can be different solutions for different audiences.

This blog post clarifies the difference between SharePoint Online and Office 365 as well as covers the unique collaborative features found in SharePoint Online.

Source: https://demotix.com/sharepoint-online-in-office-365/

Deuce Abing
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