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Best Gamma Pickleball Paddle

Best  Gamma Pickleball Paddle

Pickleball is a fast-paced, action-packed, paddle sport that's sweeping the nation. It's popular in many countries, including the United States, Australia, Canada, China and Japan. It's better for your health than tennis or badminton and has a competitive edge that can be enjoyed by players of any skill level. When you're ready to take your game to the next level, get an Gamma Pickleball paddle for competitive play.

Gamma's pickleball paddles are made from light-weight shafts made of resin with graphite woven into them and molded handles that give a soft feel. The grips are sized perfectly for the player's hands and provide a sturdy grip that allows you to perform all the potentially powerful, yet smooth stroke combinations demanded in a competitive match. Gamma paddles are designed with a 9-ply double density shaft that offers excellent power transfer from the player's paddle to the ball and give you the control and feel needed to pull off these spectacular shots.

As an avid pickleball player myself, I know hard work pays off--and it's reflected in many of my personal achievements. So I understand that not everyone has the time, energy or motivation to assemble a custom pickleball paddle and know I've created a paddle for players of all skill levels. In addition, I know that some players have never played pickleball before and would welcome a simple, affordable paddle so they can have fun playing with their friends.

Gamma Pickleball Paddle is designed for players with a more aggressive style, whether for speed and power or for contact plays. Gamma integrates a thin carbon 10K weave into the paddle, which is best known as the material of choice for aerospace-grade aircraft. Its lightweight construction makes it easy to handle on defense and offense.

The handle has two colors coded by weight: green on the light side and dark blue on the heavy end. The paddle is remarkably light and the balance point is very close to where your hand rests.We had no trouble hitting with power and accuracy.

We loved the split grip, which provides comfort and stability during play. The top of the handle has a ridged textured surface for a secure grip. The surface on the lighter side of the handle is excellent for touch shots, while more aggressive players will want to use the heavier section of the paddle.

The Gamma Pickleball Paddle is available in three sizes: 125 cm, 145 cm, and 155 cm. The paddle weighs 210 g to 228 g depending on size.

Gamma has its own pickleball store where you can see the different paddles and accessories they offer. The company is part of the National Pickleball Association, which is the governing body for professional pickleball tournaments.

Gamma also produces higher priced paddles with a titanium surface for greater durability and more power.

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