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5 Reasons you Should go for Teeth Whitening

Ashton Avenue Dental Practice
5 Reasons you Should go for Teeth Whitening

In case you disapprove this fact and deem it ancient, read the following 5 reasons that prove the need for professional teeth whitening treatments and why you must go for it too.

1. Cleans your teeth of stains

As the first primary need, teeth whitening clears long-standing stains and discoloration of your teeth. These stains and discoloration might be caused by various reasons such as eating foods rich in color, excess intake of acidic drinks, or merely aging. But when you go for a teeth whitening procedure, you can be sure of waving all the things that made your teeth look dull goodbye.

2. Feel more confident

Believe it or not, there is a social stigma associated with stained or pale teeth. People get judged all the time for having dirty teeth, which gives them the impression of being a careless person. White teeth are often the reason people feel confident when they smile. And it is obvious too. When you are sure nobody is judging you for having pale teeth when you smile, confidence is sure to follow.

3. Give pictures perfect smile

We have all seen family wedding photographs from the past, where at least one or two family members had everything playing for them except their teeth. When you are attending a special occasion or planning for your big day, you need to make sure that your stained teeth don’t ruin all your photographs and steal away the charm of your favourite attire, accessories, and the perfect hairstyle. Going for a professional teeth whitening session at the appropriate time before your big day can save you all the regrets.

4. Look younger for a change

As we know, discoloured teeth are often related to aging. Having dirty teeth can somehow make you look older than your actual current age. Teeth whitening is the perfect solution to avoid this from happening and make you look a few years younger on the contrary. Enjoy a positive change in your appearance after a quick teeth whitening procedure by your cosmetic dentist.

5. Motivates you to take good care of your teeth

The correlation between pale teeth and the motivation to maintain proper oral health is a catch-22 situation. Being not motivated to look after your oral health may result in pale and discolored teeth and having pale and discoloured teeth can also make you less motivated to look after your oral health. But when you go for a teeth whitening treatment and see your pearls brightened again, you may start to take good care of them.

And good oral hygiene is mandatory for the whiteness to last longer. Highly colored food items such as soya sauce, tomato sauce, certain gravies, and beetroot are widely infamous for discoloring your teeth. Acidic food and drinks such as vinegar, red and white wines, oranges, soft drinks, etc. can harm the enamel of your teeth further which results in discoloration and sensitivity sooner or later. Lifestyle habits such as smoking and alcohol also carry the red flags for teeth discoloration. Consumption of foods and drinks and the lifestyle habits that ultimately discolor or stain teeth should be avoided or limited to occasionally. Remember also to visit your dentists for regular dental check-ups for healthy teeth

Ashton Avenue Dental Practice
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