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How Popular Is Physiotherapy In India?

mohit mishra
How Popular Is Physiotherapy In India?

In India, it is a common misconception or psychological barrier that physiotherapists are only interested in massage and exercise. But one should be aware that this most effective medical science, which was used for pain relief therapy, has a lot more to offer.


Unfortunately, despite rising tumour cases and a changing lifestyle, awareness of the medical field of physiotherapy is not as high as it is in nations like the USA, Europe, Australia, etc.There are many physiotherapy colleges across the india but Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University, is among the best Physiotherapy colleges in Dehradun.


For those who had always wanted to become doctors but were financially disadvantaged or were unable to pass the medical college entrance examination? Don't lose heart; as a doctor of physiotherapy, you can continue to serve the community and be a part of the medical community. Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in demand for this medical science. There is a huge and growing need for physiotherapists with all types of patients, including those recovering from surgery and accidents and those suffering from chronic diseases like arthritis, needing their services. This is a dawn for this understudied medical science of physiotherapy. Even famous athletes, musicians, models, and sedentary businesspeople are turning to physiotherapy to stay healthy and get in shape. But for good physiotherapy skills you need to choose a good institute like Dev Bhoomi Uttarakhand University, Which is among the best Physiotherapy colleges in Dehradun.


According to WHO (World Health Organization) statistics, India should have one physiotherapist for every 10,000 residents. With 1,395,685,875 people living in India as of today (10/09/2022), there is a need for about 1.4 lac physiotherapists in the country. This demonstrates the enormous disparity between the supply and demand for physiotherapists in India. Given this, physiotherapists have excellent employment and career prospects. In hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, handicap rehabilitation facilities, schools for children with mental health and physical disabilities, health institutions, and defence medical facilities, they are greatly needed.

mohit mishra
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