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Paediatric Retinal Diseases: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Vedanata Netralya
Paediatric Retinal Diseases: Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Retinal diseases are a big problem in paediatrics. In developed countries, they are the leading cause of blindness in children. Many times, these diseases can be treated if they are caught early. This post will discuss some of the most common retinal diseases in children and what treatment options are available.

So what are the types of retinal diseases that occur in children?

There are different kinds of retinal diseases that occur in children and these are:

1.Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP)

This disease occurs in premature babies – those born before 37 weeks of gestation. It is caused by abnormal blood vessels growing in the retina. These vessels are fragile and can leak, resulting in vision loss. ROP can be treated with laser surgery, which seals off the abnormal vessels.

2.Retinal Detachment

This occurs when the retina pulls away from the back of the eye. It can be caused by injury, trauma, or certain diseases such as diabetes. Retinal detachment can lead to severe vision loss. Treatment involves surgery to reattach the retina.

3.Macular Degeneration

This is a degenerative disease that affects the central part of the retina, known as the macula. It causes vision loss that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. There is no cure for macular degeneration, but treatments are available to slow its progression.

4.Stargardt’s Disease

This is a degenerative disease that affects the retina. It causes vision loss that cannot be corrected with glasses or contact lenses. There is no cure for Stargardt’s disease, but treatments are available to slow its progression.

How are retinal diseases detected in children?

Retinal diseases are detected through a comprehensive eye exam. A pediatrician or ophthalmologist will look for signs of retinal disease during a routine eye exam. If there are any concerns, they may refer the child to a retina specialist for further testing.

Fluorescein angiography

is a test that uses dye to look at the blood vessels in the retina. A doctor will inject a dye into the child’s arm and take pictures of the retina as the dye moves through the blood vessels.

Electroretinography (ERG)

is a test that measures the electrical activity of the retina. A light-sensitive electrode is placed on the child’s eye and a series of flashes are used to stimulate the retina. The electrical activity is then recorded and analyzed.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT)

is a non-invasive test that uses light waves to take pictures of the retina. It can help to diagnose and monitor retinal diseases.

Conclusion paragraph : Vedanta Netralya is one of the best eye hospitals in Ghaziabad that offers excellent pediatric ophthalmology services. If your child is experiencing any symptoms related to paediatric retinal diseases, please do not hesitate to visit us for a diagnosis and treatment. Our team of experienced doctors will provide you with the best possible care for your child.

Vedanata Netralya
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