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4 Common Myths Associated With Home Wallpaper Use

Frekkles Pte Ltd
4 Common Myths Associated With Home Wallpaper Use

Do you plan to invest in buying wallpaper for a home in Singapore? Yet, in the back of your mind, you're also avoiding them because you think they won't last long. These are a few examples of misconceptions associated with buying and using wallpaper for home applications.

If you're planning to renovate and re-design your home interior, there's a good chance that you'll have wallpaper services in Singapore to fill the decor of your walls, regardless of what room you plan. However, myths can sometimes ruin our ability to make sound decisions for our investment. Without further ado, here are a few misconceptions you need to know about using wallpapers for home use:

1. Wallpaper installations are often costly

It's a normal misconception for many to assume that wallpapers are expensive and the installation service will further skyrocket your expenses. However, it is often far from the truth. The cost of wallpaper services depends on the wallpaper you're planning to install. In fact, there are tons of affordable options available in the market. 

2. Wallpapers are not resistant to fire

Another widespread misconception is that wallpapers are not fire-resistant. However, many wallpapers, even those personalise wallpaper types are often charred, and some are fire-resistant. Hence, it's often best to ask the supplier about choosing fire-resistant wallpapers.

3. Wallpapers peel off easily

It is often wrong to assume that wallpapers tend to peel off easily like papers. In fact, wallpapers are often durable and tear-resistant. Manufacturers' designs are anti-bacterial, tear-resistant and robust and last longer. Even wall decor stickers for a home don't tend to tear up that easily, so you can expect your wallpaper to give you a lasting appeal, depending on its quality.

4. Wall needs a smoother texture when installation

Wallpapers don't necessarily need a smoother wall texture for you to install. Once the walls have started to absorb water, it's all set. Wallpapers suit well to provide finer texture except for glass or metals since they don't have the capacity to absorb water.

If you are looking for wall decor stickers, visit Frekkles for more wallpaper and wall sticker design for home use products. 

Resource : https://sites.google.com/view/frekklespteltd/infographics

Frekkles Pte Ltd
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