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Eco Friendly House

Building Solutions
Eco Friendly House

The Buildertrend CRM allows us to plan your projects, track expenses and ensure your job runs smoothly. The CRM system also allows us to keep you engaged throughout the entire project. With our extensive experience and modern technology, nothing can stop up from levelling up.

Eco Friendly House

As the leading builders in Canberra, 360 Building Solutions focuses on the finer details, with the objective to set ourselves apart from the competition. We understand that effective communication is vital during the build process. For this reason, we take advantage of our project management system and site visits to keep you updated on every move we make. Do not hesitate to contact us because we are always looking forward to helping you.

The roof is one thing to consider. You can use materials like metal, foam, or tile shingles. Installing an efficient HVAC system will also make your home sustainable. Insulation is also a great way to ensure that you have an energy-efficient home. We will advise you on the best appliances and materials to use when building or renovating your home.

At 360 Building Solutions, communication is crucial to ensure we remain the best home builders in Canberra. Before the build, we engage our clients in an effective consultation process to understand their needs and deliver homes tailored to those needs.

Due to the climate variation in Canberra, 360 Building Solutions deliver passive solar building designs for our clients. This will allow you to enjoy comfortable house temperatures with reduced auxiliary cooling or heating. We always consider various elements including, window placement, thermal insulation, glazing type, thermal mass and shading. We will also work closely with you to ensure satisfactory outcomes.

Building Solutions
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